Fixed partial dentures vs removable partial dentures
Teeth have different functions; such as: chewing, speaking and beauty. However, missed one or several teeth can cause malfunction of mentioned above jobs. If eventually, the lost teeth can’t be replaced by artificial ones, it can manage to the malfunction of chewing and speaking tasks In case of missed of one or more teeth; missed teeth can be replaced by Fixed Partial Denture (FPD) or Removable Partial Dentures In Vasant Vihar (RPD).
(FPD) replaces the missed tooth or teeth in a fixed type by use of natural adjacent teeth. Moreover, this type of replacement cannot be moved from mouth by patient. (RPD) replaces the missed one or more teeth by help of remaining natural teeth. As well, this type of teeth replacement can move from mouth by patient. The removable partial dentures prepared retention and stability of denture by help of clasps that connected to the natural teeth. This type of replacement can be removed from mouth by patient.
Indications for removable partial denture
1- Where vertical support from the edentulous ridge is needed .
e.g. in the absence of a distal abutment
2-Where resistance to lateral movement is needed from contra-lateral teeth and soft tissues.
e.g. to ensure stability with a long edentulous space
3-Inadequate periodontal support
The abutment teeth that exhibit reduced periodontal support because of periodontal disease that would benefit from cross-arch stabilization.
4- considerable bone loss in the visible anterior region.
A removable partial denture will permit the location of the replaced teeth in a favorable relation to the lip and opposing dentition regardless of the shape of the residual ridge. When such a removable prosthesis is made, however, positive support must be obtained from the adjacent abutments
5-After recent extractions
6- Unusually Sound Abutment Teeth
7- Abutments with questionable prognosis
8-Alteration of vertical dimension
Preference of Fixed Restorations:
1-Tooth-Bounded Edentulous Regions
any unilateral edentulous space bounded by teeth suitable for use as abutments should be restored with a fixed partial denture cemented to one or more abutment teeth at either end.
The length of the span and the periodontal support of the abutment teeth will determine the required number of abutments.
Unilateral tooth loss is sometimes inappropriately treated by removable partial denture. This type of prosthesis does not benefit from:
1-cross- arch stabilization
2-places excessive stress on abutment teeth.
3- Possibly more importantly, there is a significant risk for aspiration if such a prosthesis is dislodged during use.
2-Anterior modification spaces
Usually, any missing anterior teeth in a partially edentulous arch, are best replaced by means of a fixed restoration.There are exceptions: Kennedy Class IV arch , Sometimes a better esthetic result is obtainable when the anterior replacements are supplied by the removable partial denture. treatment is simplified by inclusion of an anterior modification space into the removable partial denture.excessive tissue and bone resorption necessitates the placement of the pontics in a fixed partial denture too far palatally for good esthetics or for an acceptable relation with the opposing teeth.
3-Replacement of unilaterally missing molars (shortened dental arch)
To restore the missing molars with a fixed partial denture in vasant Vihar would require a cantilever prosthesis or the use of dental implants. A cantilever fixed prosthesis is most applicable if the second molar is to be ignored.